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Working Student Product Management (M/F/D)

Working Student Product Management (M/F/D)

You are at home online – your heart beats digital?

You develop great products. You love numbers, but never lose touch with the user. You work agile and look forward to support us in consulting projects for well-known customers. As well, you will have the chance to build and develop our own products. You want to have your finger on the pulse of the time, bring cool and new products to the market, and always use the latest methods. In any case you will learn a lot and have a lot of fun!

You will ...

  • ... support the team in exciting customer projects (conception, realization and commercialization of digital products)
  • ... assist in the marketing and sales department of DieProduktMacher
  • ... be part of the organization team of events & meetups
  • ... support us preparing workshops
  • ... support the team in administrative work

You bring along ...

  • You are currently studying business informatics, management or something similar
  • You have practical experience in the online field
  • You ideally gathered first experience in product management
  • You have a passion for digital products and services
  • You love it to take over responsibility and work independently
  • You are a team player and have good communication capabilities

As Working Student in Product Management, we offer you to live out and try out. We are looking for people who want to create things and have the aim to develop further.

With us you get to know the real product manager life as well as the work on digital products. You have the possibility to integrate yourself and push topics forward.

You have the possibility to get to know different departments as you will work closely with the teams of Technology, UX Design and Data. Our goal is to develop user oriented, successful products. We want to share our knowledge with you!

What we offer you:

Transparent Salary Model

Individual Development

4 + 1
Work days

Flexible Working Hours

Product Fridays

Equipment according to your wishes

Lets go crazy

Lets go crazy

Thomas Spenler

Administrative Information

We want to expand our Product Management department with you and give you the chance to build and create something special with us.

DieProduktMacher offers a great team of strong personalities who will support and push you forward. We offer a real community, but also freedom to work and develop individually.

We appreciate our commonly developed values and thereby maintain our special company culture. Our processes, methods and technologies are subject of continuous change. Our values in contrast are steady constants: Development, freedom and respect.

The working student job is designed for 15-20 hours per week, in the semester break we are happy if you want to work more. For your application a meaningful CV is enough for us.

About DieProduktMacher

DieProduktMacher GmbH is specialized on designing and building digital products. With our team of Product Management, UX Design, Technology and Data Science we help our customers address new target groups, find new business models and implement innovative technologies. We focus on discovering and building digital experiences. We work together with clients like BMW Group, AutoScout24, ProSiebenSat.1, Flixbus, PAYBACK, Breuninger and also develop our own products.

That is how it will go on:

First Meeting.


First Meeting.

Within a first interview via telephone or directly in our office you get to know us, our way of working and what is important to us. On the other hand, we want to get to know more about you: what are your abilities, what drives you, what do you want to achieve? After that we decide how to go on.

Professional Interview.


Professional Interview.

Within this interview you get to know your department. Together we discuss your current development and previous experiences. Often this includes a small exercise or even a "homework" in order to better assess your knowledge.

Cultural Fit.


Cultural Fit.

Each new employee complements out team. That's why it is important to us that it fits on a personal basis as well. During an easy-going conversation with collegues from other departments it is all about getting our way of working and our values accross to you and understanding your motivation and personal vision. That way we make sure that we can offer you what you expect.

Working Student Product Management (M/F/D)

Ready for a new challenge?

We are looking forward to receive your meaningful application documents incl. salary expectations and earliest possible entry date.




Announcement: just product Conference X DPM

Announcement: just product Conference X DPM